The Advantages of Using a Private Lender

Flexibility. Access to capital, and common sense collateral.

Obtaining financing from a private lender is a strategy that provides unique advantages to real estate developers. When compared to a conventional commercial loans, private loans carry unique benefits that are not available from traditional lenders such as community banks. 

Private lenders are not restricted by regulations or bureaucratic rules. We can craft a loan structure that suits your needs. Our ability to tailor closing cost requirements and repayment schedule is crucial in determining a deal's feasibility. 

Rapid Access to Capital
A private loan makes it possible to get funding and close a deal in a much shorter time frame. Great Jones Capital is able to close a loan in as little as 5 days. 

A significant benefit of a private loan is that the collateral in the deal is the subject property. Should you have significant equity tied up in another asset, we allow you to pledge that equity in lieu of selling or refinancing your property. 

Our team tailors financing specifically to your needs. Our streamlined process allows borrowers to close loans quickly and without delay.